After plummeting into the wastes on the surface of Ord Mantell in the class-6 escape pod, Xol spares no time in finding Dex. He knows he has days before the Empire brings their whole fleet to the planet in the wake of what he did to the Super Star Destroyer.
Joined by the young seer Qiin, he goes to the only place he knows to be a haunt of Orlo the Hutt, the Lady Fate Casino in Worlport.
The pair purchases a low cost speeder from a local farmer they happen across and make haste for the capital city.
Xol worries that he may be six years too late, despite what stories Dark Lord Blades told him of Dex’s incarceration…
The dilapidated X-38 speeder, chugs to a halt on the outskirts of Worlport. Its skyline, nearly unchanged since Xol’s last visit, however its skies are teeming with TIE fighter patrols. Stormtroopers can be seen roaming the streets in force and guarding checkpoints entering the bustling metropolis. With a hiss the passenger canopy opens and Xol turns to Qiin.
“Young one, this is not your fight and this is where we must part ways.” Xol says with his pointed finger outstretched.
“No Master Xol,” she refuses. “I can see my path and if I should leave you now, it will result in both our deaths.”
“Then that is our path, there is no use in denying the will of the Force.”
“What complete and utter lies you tell yourself!” she snaps. “You don’t want me along because you think I am too young and inexperienced to be of any use in your search for your friend.”
“How do you know my thoughts Qiin?” Xol says suspiciously as he reaches for his lightsabers.
“It is not as you think Jedi Master!” the young Nautolan insists as she holds out her hands. “I am adept at reading the minds of others, even those that bury their thoughts as well as you. I do not see all of what is offered but I do receive glimpses.”
“Well, in the future, do not intrude on my personal thoughts without permission or I will extinguish our travel arrangement without even a moments notice. Is that clear?”
“You mean you are going to take me with you after all?” she replies, excitedly. “Oh master thank you! I will not let you down, I promise.”
“I trust that you won’t, but in the future refer to me as Xol, I am not your master. Now we must gain entrance to Worlport, go to the Casino and find Dex befor…”
“Dex Kamino?” Qiin interrupts. “Do you mean Dex Kamino?”
“Yes, that was the name he used, how do you know this man?”
“Katarus won me from Orlo the Hutt in a game of Sabacc. Another slave that Orlo lost that night was Dex Kamino. He was kind to me and always knew how to make me laugh even when I was at my worst. He was treated far worse than I, often nursing a fresh new set of wounds every time I saw him.”
“Who won him from Orlo, Qiin? Do you remember?” Xol asks insistently.
“A Neimodian businessman named Mok. Mok Sur Tinn, I believe. He owns a few nightclubs throughout the city. He collects Force sensitives and old Sith artifacts, I know because he offered Orlo a fortune for me on multiple occasions but was turned down each time.”
“Well if you show me the way to this Neimodian, I will take care of the rest.”
“One step at a time Xol, first we must find a way into the city.”
“I have already decided the best course of action to do just that, so if you intend on coming along I suggest you fasten your safety harness and be ready to fight if necessary.”
With a zip of her harness straps tightening, Qiin responds with a smile, “Ready when you are!”
Xol closes the canopy of the speeder and throttles towards a sentry post that lies ahead. Three Imperial Stormtroopers armed with repeating blasters inspect the documentation of all those that pass through their post. A lone officer in her black tunic oversees the operation, punching information into a datapad as each person proceeds passed. The pair approaching in their speeder is waved over by one of the soldiers.
“Identicard please,” the trooper says sternly as they pull alongside him.
“I’m sorry Imperial,” Xol says snidely. “I do not possess an Identicard, will this be sufficient enough?”
Xol reaches to his belt and presents his lightsaber. In shock and panic, the Stormtrooper points his weapon at the vehicle and shouts for the other guards. As they gather around the vehicle with their weapons drawn, Xol concentrates with the Force and prepares himself.
“Foolish Jedi,” the officer says as she approaches from behind her soldiers. “Did you actually think you could intimidate a hardened, battle-ready squad of Imperial soldiers with your antiquated weapon?”
“That was not my intent whatsoever however I did want you to be close enough to hear this,” The Yautja explains as his voice becomes darker and his eyes glow red with energy. “We are Imperial attaches, and it is your personal duty to safeguard our travel throughout the city, clearing us through checkpoints and anything else requested of you. Agreed?”
Under the Jedi’s powerful persuasive trance, the soldiers and their officer repeat Xol’s exact words in unison back to him. The Imperials lower their weapons and abandon the guard post for their nearby speederbikes. Taking up formation around the Yautja’s speeder, Xol instructs them forward to the Lady Fate Casino. In compliance, the two lead Stormtroopers embark leading the pair through chaotic Worlport traffic. With the troopers guiding them through, no guard patrol or checkpoint even pauses to stop them as they travel through the city.
In transit Qiin and Xol converse to pass the time. “Xol,” she asks. “Your actions aboard Katarus’ vessel surprised me, I had assumed the Jedi were incapable of such actions.”
“You’re right, young one. Jedi are.”
“Are you not a Jedi Master?”
“Once I was, and a Dark Jedi knight before that. I have explored the Force and all its facets and now I am forced to become something outside of the teachings of the Jedi and superior to the instruction of the Sith.”
“Will you teach me?”
“As I said young one, I am no longer a Jedi Master. I cannot teach you their ways. Their ways have died in this galaxy, and with them a part of me has perished also.”
“I do not seek any instruction but yours, not the Jedi nor the Sith. I only want to learn from you.”
“Why do you volunteer so readily to follow me down this darkened path Qiin?”
“I know your thoughts Xol, and I can see your path ahead is unclear, always fluctuating within the Force. Even with that uncertainty, I can sense that you are an instrumental figure in the shaping of my destiny. I wish to learn if you still have it in you to teach.”
“Very well Qiin, I still do not understand your reasoning entirely but if you want to learn that badly then I shall take you under my wing. You shall be my apprentice.”
Immensely happy with his decision, she reaches over and hugs his arm tightly, thanking him excessively. Xol can sense great confusion within himself as Qiin clutches to his side. He brushes away the feeling swimming deep inside of him and focuses on the road ahead.
Upon arrival at the Lady Fate Casino some minutes later, Xol and Qiin are helped from their vehicle by valet droids. As the Yautja straightens his ruffled cloak, he waves and simultaneously commands the Imperials to return to their original posts. As they pull away, he transmits a mental command that will explain their absence but not have them remember them ever meeting Qiin or himself.
Sending them and the valets on their way, Xol turns and walks up the stairs of the casino to the front entrance with Qiin following close behind, their long black cloaks fluttering behind them as they climb. As they walk into the building, the profane mix of smoke, alcohol, and the secretions of different races flood the Yautja’s sensitive olfactory. Were it not for the air filter in his helmet, the smell might be twice as pungent.
The pair walks onto the casino floor and before they reach the bar Xol sees a familiar face in the back of the room. It is Booma, the Gungan enforcer of Orlo the Hutt and two other armed guards.
“Qiin wait here,” Xol commands. “I know where to find Dex, but I cannot succeed if I constantly have to look out for you my young apprentice. Stay here and alert me on this commlink if you see anyone coming towards that back area.”
Handing the visibly annoyed Nautolan a communication device, Xol readies his lightsabers and makes his way across the gaming area floor.
“Xol I can help,” Qiin says over the comlink. “I’m no good playing lookout. You need me in there with you to sense their thoughts.”
“No, you must stay where you are, and only use this link for emergencies like I instructed you. Is that clear?”
“Yes Xol, I understand,” Qiin responds with a pout before cutting transmission.
As the Yautja nears the sealed door, the sturdy purple Gungan notices Xol and does a double take. Shocked to see him, he nervously fumbles for his blaster holstered on his hip. Noticing their leader’s nervousness, the two guards standing to either side of the Gungan draw their weapons as well. The trio takes quick aim and fire on the approaching Yautja.
As the shots ring out and sail through the air towards him, Xol deploys his lightsabers and deflects the blasts harmlessly away from him and into banks of gambling terminals on his right side. The outbreak of combat sends patrons running for the doors and alerts guards from all over the main gaming floor to Xol’s presence.
“Yousa not being dead Jedis!” Booma shouts at Xol. “Thatsa bein’ perfecto wit’ meesa. Isa wantin’ to be killin’ yousa meeself for longin’ time.”
“So what’s stopping you Booma?” Xol taunts. “Too scared of Orlo I suppose.”
“Meesa not scared, yousa shouldn’ be bein’ scared,” the purple thug replies, trying to hide his fear. “Yousa is surrounded Jedis, no escapin’ the ouch time this time.”
“I’ve had enough of this,” Xol growls as he runs headlong at the armed trio, lightsabers blazing.
As he nears the dark purple Gungan at their center, Xol does not stop, instead he chooses to phase through him using his abilities. Like walking through a mist, the Yautja glides passed the Gungan and once on the other side, at his attacker’s backs he slashes with his two blades. Their crimson blades cut down the two other guards with ease leaving the bewildered Gungan standing frozen stiff from fear. With the hum of Xol’s blade just behind his haillu, Booma quivers with terror.
“I will let you live purplish soft meat if you help me get my friend back and kill your boss in the meantime.”
“Meesa can’t be killin’ boss Orlo, Meesa gettin' crunched for that by bounty hunters.”
“I can guarantee that if you don’t help me, you will be how did you put it? Crunched, right here and now.”
“Fine meesa help,” The Gungan complies. “Only if’n yousa can promisin’ meesa that meesa bein’ kept safe from crunchin’ wit’ yousa.”
“I never make a promise I cannot keep, however I can ensure your safety as best I can with all my abilities as long as you do what I say when I say it. Do we have an agreement soft meat?”
“Meesa agree, now what’n yousa wantin’ meesa to do first?”
“Call off the other guards and make something up about what happened here while I hide behind the door.” Xol commands. “And if you try to double-cross me, I will destroy you.”
“No problem, meesa takin’ care of dis. Just yousa better getting’ hidin’!”
Without opening the sealed door behind him, Xol phases through it and takes refuge in the hallway on the other side. He can hear boisterous laughter from down the hall. Anxious to get moving, he listens through the door to the conversation outside.
“What’s going on Booma?” a guard says, his voice partly muffled by the door. “We heard blaster fire and had reports that a lightsaber wielding attacker was going crazy on the floor.”
“No, No, No, thisa bein’ big misunderstanding!” Booma explains. “Darth’n Maul’s losin’ Sabacc game bombad. Heesa gettin’ ooberdrunkin and takin’ himsa’s raging out on meesa and killin’ Lim and Pokk. Meester Sur Tinn came and retrievin’ himsa and gonna pay all the damages to Orlo okeeday?”
“I hate it when Maul gets that way,” the guard replies. “Why do we even let that Zabrak menace into our casino? Where are they now Booma?”
“I takin’ care of it, theysa leavin’ da floor, no causin’ any more trouble today. I sendin’ them back to Boss Orlo’s suite. Theysa should be calmin’ down enough by mornin’ meesa tinks.”
“Alright Booma, nicely handled. We had better get back, we will see you later for some Dejarik and ales though right?”
“Yousa bet, and yousa better bring yoursan credits this time, Lim and Pokk owed meesa big payday and lookin’ what be happenin’ to them.”
“You have one sick sense of humor, you old son of a Mynock!”
The group laughs as they disperse. The guard’s voices become quieter as they move away, hopefully returning to their posts. Curious, Xol uses his comlink to contact Qiin who is still in the casino.
“Qiin, have they returned to their stations?”
“Yes Xol, I left with the other patrons as to not draw too much attention to myself and the guards are just letting us back in now.” She replies.
“Good thinking young one, just keep a watchful eye from the bar. I will be working my way through to Dex shortly and this place is going to erupt with activity so I need your eyes and your foresight.”
“As you wish Xol,” Qiin answers before she shuts off her comm.
Xol closes his channel and opens the access door in front of him. On the other side is Booma, waiting impatiently glancing from side to side. With the door open, the Gungan steps through and walks down the hallway, waving Xol onward as he reaches the end where another sealed door is located. The Yautja stealthily approaches from behind and places his lightsabers onto his belt. Reaching out with the Force he can sense the occupants of the room beyond the door. He feels Dex’s familiar presence, Orlo, two others, and finally with great surprise he senses the dark side presence of Darth Maul.
“So your story is true, Darth Maul is here?” Xol asks.
“Of coursa, Darth’n Maul bein’ here,” Booma responds. “Heesa was some big time hero in Empire because of killin’ yousa. Now heesa enemy of the Emperor but good friends with meesa boss Orlo.”
“I thought I had killed him on Tatooine, but apparently I was wrong just as the Empire has been about my death.”
“Meesa wishin’ I could see the look on himsa’s face when yousa be walkin’ into dat room”
“You just might Gungan soft meat. You just might.” Xol says as he raises his hands palms open to the door. “You seem pretty calm considering I am about to kill your master and rescue my friend.”
“Boss Orlo bein’ a blue pile of Bantha poodoo, heesa just payin’ meesa well for a slave. Besides, yousa sparin’ meesa life, and even though meesa bein’ scoundrel, meesa honor his life debts. Yousa stuck wit’ me Jedis whether yousa wantin’ it or not.”
“Good to know where you stand soft meat, now stand back or you might get hurt.”
Xol focuses strongly on the door in front of him and within a second it collapses in on itself and launches into the room. The metal projectile creates a gaping hole in the rear wall of the gaming room where Orlo and his guests are gathered. The hole itself leads to the exterior of the building, the sounds of street traffic and screaming pedestrians carry through it and into the room.
Without any hesitation, Darth Maul ignites his dual bladed lightsaber and flips across the table landing directly in front of Xol. In reflex the Yautja draws his blades and brings them up to parry the Sith’s first attack. As the pair lock sabers, Orlo chortles at the melee, clapping his slimy hands in delight.
“How can you be alive?” Maul shouts, “I killed you on Tatooine!”
“I can say the same thing to you Sith Lord.” Xol says cheekily
With an angry scream, Darth Maul breaks his grapple with the Yautja and charges with a flurry of saber attacks. Though the Sith’s technique has improved since their last battle, Xol can still counter each assault and when he receives an opening, he stretches outward through the Force and grips his opponents dual bladed saber. With a twist of his hand, the hilt of Darth Maul’s lightsaber crushes inward and rains its contents on the ground. With the shattering of the lens assembly and the exposure of its focusing crystal, the weapons ceases to function and the blade dissipates instantly. Aghast at what has transpired, the Sith stares in shock at the pieces of his prize weapon lying in his hands. While he is distracted and distraught, Xol exerts a push on the defeated warrior that has him fly across the room and impact hard against to the wall, crumpling in a heap on the floor. Orlo’s laughter quickly halts as he sees the infamous Sith is rendered unconscious.
Now, with no distractions, Xol can focus on the others in the room. He can see Dex standing next to a Neimodian whom he can only infer is Mok Sur Tinn in full armor, with his blaster rifle in his hands. Across the table sits a dark skinned human in upper class attire and finally a portly Toydarian with a well manufactured IG model bodyguard standing behind him. Without saying a word, the Toydarian gathers his chips, nods to Xol, and along with his droid exits out the hole in the wall. When Mok Sur Tinn tries to do the same, he can hear the whine of Dex’s blaster warming up as it readies a bolt. The clone has pointed the rifle at the Neimodian and has a blaster in his offhand pointed at Orlo.
“You’re late Xol,” Dex says with joviality in his voice. “Now, I have been waitin’ a long time for this Tinn, pray to your Neimo gods because you’ll be meeting them soon.”
“No Dex, wait!” the Yautja exclaims with his hand stretched out in protest. “We can use him.”
“Are you out of your Jedi mind Xol?” Dex replies angrily. “This bastard has kept me imprisoned for nearly six years and you want to negotiate with him?”
“Not that piece of trash, Dex. We only need Orlo. His Imperial contacts will allow us to get out of this place.”
“What makes you think I would help the likes of you?” The portly Hutt replies through his protocol droid.
“Because Orlo,” Xol continues. “I can make it so Tinn is no longer competition for you on Ord Mantell, and in exchange for that and your own life you will provide us with the means to leave this system safely, my companion Wompit and the Gungan called Booma freed of their enslavement to you, and any supplies we require. It is either that or we kill you both and let the Empire have full reign here. It makes little difference to me.”
“You surprise me Master Jedi,” Orlo laughs. “I expected you to kill me for my treacherous acts against you six years ago but instead you have become a more fearsome breed of scum than you ever were before. Worthy enough I think to be called my friend!”
“Quit wasting my time slug meat, is it a deal or not Orlo?” the Yautja insists. “Because I have other ways of negotiating if you would prefer?”
With a tilt of his head, Xol begins to channel his powers into the Hutt, and as his eyes glare at the corpulent, blue, crime boss, Orlo can feel himself being choked and lifted off of his plush sedan chair.
“I accept…your…deal,” the Hutt chokes. “Now…release…me.”
Xol turns his head away from Orlo and allows his immense sluggish body to flop heavily back into his seat. Once the crime lord has regained his composure he takes a puff from his hookah and says, “You have a harsh way of making a deal but, I like it so I humbly accept your offer.”
“A wise choice Hutt,” Xol replies pleased. “Dex, gather up and restrain Maul and Mok Sur Tinn. We have a lot of work to do.”