As the battle of Yavin IV saw its last days, leaving the Empire
in retreat and the Alliance victorious,
claiming one of the largest Sith training facilities outside the core systems.
While the Rebel fleet regroups and resupplies,
Yautja Jedi Master Xol and Dex Kamino
report their discoveries from the ancient temple to Alliance command.
Based on their findings and the interrogation
of the two captured Sith knights,
Master Yoda convinces the council to send Xol, alongside Dex and his crew in search of the cloners responsible.
Only then can they ascertain what the Empire's true plans are...
Xol feels as though he is home aboard the Wayfarer transport. Not the home in the sense of just mere shelter but a welcoming, childhood home. Nothing can touch him here; he can feel safe enough to fall asleep within moments of resting his head to the bunk. The Empire still rules the galaxy but with Darth Vader gone, he feels less pursued, like time is finally in his control. Although his mind is troubled over what he saw on Yavin IV, he does not allow it to occupy his thoughts for longer than a fleeting moment.
As the ship sails through hyperspace, Xol occupies his time with study, meditation and interaction with fellow crew mates Wompit and Typ. Wompit does not say much but responds well to Xol’s presence. The Yautja can only speculate that due to his own immense size, the Savrip finds kinship with him. Typ on the other hand, works non-stop on ship systems, droid repairs and upgrades to Xol’s old fighter, making him relatively uncommunicative for a Jawa, who as a race according to some, can never stop talking.
A day into the journey, while meticulously cleaning his weapons and armor, Xol receives a message from Dex urging him to come to the cockpit. Without hesitation, the Jedi master runs down the hall to the pilot’s door. Tapping the access switch, the door retracts with a hiss and closes behind Xol as he enters.
The pilot’s compartment looks relatively the same. Pilot droids and Dex performing basic navigational and systems checks while in hyperspace. Dex turns in his chair to face Xol, his helmet off and his face reflecting worry and doubt.
“Thanks for comin’ so quick big guy,” Dex says, his voice sunken. “I figure we have got only a few hours before we arrive on Kamino and considering my former home is still controlled by the Empire, that puts us in a bit of trouble if they have any patrol ships in the area.”
“There is always risk 1165, but you do have a valid reason for concern. To circumvent any Imperials we may encounter, I propose a plan that should allow us to slip by unnoticed.”
“Why do I get a bad feeling about this?” Dex replies, his palms cupped over his face.
“Relax my friend, have I ever steered you wrong?”
Succumbing to Xol’s logic but still unsure, Dex turns back to his pilot position while listening to his Yautja comrade relay his plan in detail. A smile in the corner of his mouth and nods of agreement, are his only words as Xol lays out his strategy for the next few hours.
The sharp drop from lightspeed slows the universe down for a moment as the pair takes in their new surroundings seen through the pilot station windows. Relief washes over Dex as he sees no sign of Imperial ships. Instead, all he can see is the shimmering planet of Kamino, his home for the first few years of his life. The feelings of nostalgia bring back many happy and also terrible memories.
Xol, once sure that the Empire doesn’t have a space based presence in the system, exits the cockpit returning to his quarters. There he prepares his weapons, dons his armor, and conceals it all beneath his robes. As he reaches for his lightsabers, a feeling of danger creeps into his mind. It is a disturbance in the Force, something so powerful that it has no equal in his experiences including his encounters with Vader. Wary of this, Xol clips his weapons to his belt and walks out to meet Dex at the cargo bay.
Walking into the hold, he can hear the alert sirens, and see the swirling, flashing, red lights as the bay doors open and the gangway deploys. Wind and rain whip in through the door, sending Typ running for shelter as he is soaked within moments by the torrential downpour. Xol bracing against the elements makes his way closer to Dex, who is standing in the doorway gazing out over the rain swept landing platform at a raging, stormy, almost black sea, set beneath a thunderously lightning charged, dark grey bank of clouds.
“So what do you think of my home Xol?” Dex says with a sense of pride in his chest.
“Is it always like this here 1165?” the Yautja replies.
“Most of the time but, sometimes its not as nice,” Dex says seriously.
“So how did you manage to get us landed without having an Imperial security detail come by to inspect our ship?”
“Simple, I swiped some top security clearance codes from the base computers back on Kashyyyk. With the Emperor dead, the Empire is so upside down right now, that they haven’t deleted any of these codes from the system yet. It was risky but it seems to have paid off. Also if anyone asks, address me as Moff, or your plan we talked about won’t work.”
“Understood, Moff, sir,” the Yautja says with a respectful bow.
“See, now you’re getting the hang of it. We had best get going I’ve arranged a meeting with one of the administrators here at Tipoca City to give us a tour of the facility and maybe gives us some of the answers the Alliance is looking for.”
Dex and Xol make their way down the gangway and walk across the rain slicked landing pad toward a set of elaborate glass doors guarded by two security guards. The guards are outfitted in outdated ARC trooper armor from the Clone Wars. As Dex approaches, the guards come to attention and salute as they walk by. Upon entering the facility, their eyes adjust to the sterile, shimmering white of their surroundings. Ahead they can see a well dressed Kaminoan accompanied by a silver protocol droid and a single security officer, outfitted differently than the guards outside, seeming to indicate a higher rank.
“Greetings and salutations Moff,” the administrator says pausing, mulling over his next word, “Onimak is it?”
“Yes, that’s correct,” Dex replies as he adjusts his dress armor. “I’ve been given a special assignment by the Imperial Senate that requires your expertise and the expertise of your staff.”
“I am deeply honored Moff. How is it that I, a humble administrator can assist the Senate?”
“Well first of all, what may I call you? I only ask so that I may know the name I shall place on my report if I am displeased by your efforts.”
“I certainly hope we can avoid any unpleasantness, Moff Onimak,” The Kaminoan says with a fearful lump in his throat. “I am administrator Unsu, and I have been in charge since the death of Prime Minister Lama Su some four years ago. Your superiors placed me in my position due to my undying loyalty to the Empire. In that time, I have been personally involved in the special projects area of our Tipoca City facility and am pleased to inform you that we are ahead of schedule at this time.”
“Very impressive Unsu, the Senate will be most pleased to hear that. As for the task at hand, do you see this large specimen standing next to me?”
“Yes Moff I do. I am not familiar with his race but it is a magnificent example of one.”
“Well administrator, this individual is a rather proficient Sith Knight and his genetic makeup could prove to be an asset if we were able to replicate it. We request that he be cloned in as little time as possible. There have been recent developments that have made it necessary for us to accelerate our timetable.”
“Moff Onimak, are you unfamiliar with Project Rebirth?” Unsu asks, his black eyes narrowing in quizzical suspicion.
“Um,” Dex stammers. “Of course I am, I was just unaware you had high enough clearance to know of it.”
His suspicion growing, the gaunt administrator replies, “I indeed do Moff, I am the head of special projects, however I believe I will need to see your official orders before I can discuss more. Procedure sir, you understand.”
“Certainly I have them here,” Dex says, reaching for his concealed blaster. “Does everyone else in this room with the exception of myself, my associate and yourself administrator has the appropriate level of clearance?”
“Absolutely Moff, my chief of security is privy to as much information as myself to a fault. The droids are routinely wiped of their memory as well. You are in good company here sir.”
With a nod between Xol and Dex, the Master Jedi devotes a large portion of channelled Force power toward a Jedi mindtrick. With a wave of his clawed hand he states, “Your clearance checks out, please allow me to show you Project Rebirth.”
In a hypnotized daze, Unsu and his security detail repeat Xol’s words exactly and lead them further into the facility. The confused protocol droid, seeing the subterfuge attempts to alert the administrator but with a quick arc of electricity shot at him from the Yautja fingers while Unsu’s back is turned, the droid shorts out and collapses to the floor. The Kaminoan and his guard hearing the clank of metal against the ground turn sharply to see what has happened. In response Xol exclaims, “Apologies administrator, but it appears your droid has had a malfunction of some kind. I would be happy to assist but I unfortunately am not very gifted mechanically.”
“Don’t trouble yourself knight,” Unsu replies. “These contraptions are constantly requiring servicing. I will send maintenance to attend to it. Please come this way.”
With a gesture of invitation, Dex and Xol follow their host into a much more secluded area of the facility. Heavily armed guards patrol the halls and complex genetically coded locks are at every doorway. After proceeding through a labyrinth of secure doors, the group takes a lift that descends to the base of the complex, below the water line of Tipoca city. Upon exiting the group steps into a well lit laboratory. Kaminoan science personnel trace back and forth around a large suspended transparisteel tank. Inside the murky, green slurry, a figure can be seen. Its large mass shrouded in the dark liquid.
“Unsu, what is in that tank?” Dex asks puzzled by what he sees.
“That Moff, is the latest test subject for Project Rebirth, regrettably, his genetic samples were unstable and his vital functions failed. He was near adulthood too. Very sad turn of events, I must say.”
“Yes, very sad. What exactly is he?” Dex asks, feigning sympathy.
“Oh, he was very special, one of a kind you might say,” Unsu says, his voice growing inexplicably sinister. “In order to try again we will require a much more pure sample to work with. We should have it within a day or so. Would you like to see the subject?”
Their curiosity piqued, Dex responds, “Absolutely administrator, please humour me.”
With a press of a switch, the tanks internal lighting flickers before turning on fully. The green liquid seems to have been some sort of biological matter, not a true liquid. Inside, curled in a fetal position hooked up to numerous sensors and probes is a Yautja, a near perfect duplicate of Xol.
Shock and disgust wash over the Jedi as he realizes what he is looking at. In knowing that their ruse is over, he draws his lightsabers as Dex pulls his blaster from its holster. The lift behind them opens at this moment, containing ten security guards with weapons at the ready. Unsu laughs, standing before them, his own weapon drawn and pointed at the duo.
“You knew the whole time?” Dex asks in shock.
“Yes, of course I did, Moff Onimak!” Unsu says, attempting to restrain his laughter. “How idiotic do you think I am? Your pseudonym is my planet’s name backwards! Not to mention, I have worked here long enough to know what a clone of that Mandalorian Jango Fett, looks and sounds like and to top it all off, you used my code to gain access to this system. I received that code when I was appointed Moff of this sector. So if the Imperial Senate was going to send a Moff to Kamino, that would have been me!”
“Well, Unsu, you know of my abilities and I am sure you must be well informed of my Jedi counterparts as well. This will end badly for you if you do not allow us to leave.”
“Now, now, you old relic of the Republic,” the Kaminoan says condescendingly. “You know I cannot allow that to happen. Guards!”
With his order shouted, Unsu’s clone security personnel open fire on the pair, Xol deftly blocks and deflects several shots back into the troops near the elevator, while Dex standing at his back takes aim and shoots the blaster pistol from Unsu’s hand. The lanky Kaminoan clutches his scorched hand, a sneer of disdain scrawled across his pale, white face. With a swift and well executed high kick, Dex deals a knockout blow to Unsu, leaving him a crumpled heap on the floor of the lab. With his immediate threat neutralized he turns his attention to the security officers engaging Xol, especially their chief officer who came down with them and Unsu. Scientists scramble for cover as the fighting continues. Alarms begin to sound, activated by the blaster fire detected by sensors. Xol rushes the group of troopers, skillfully cutting at them with his weapons, the searing blades removing armoured limbs and rending weaponry in two as they glide through the air.
With Xol’s attention occupied by the troopers, Unsu’s chief security officer takes the opportunity to sight him in and take a fatal shot. With no other choice, Dex seeing his friend in peril, removes his helmet and hurls it at the chief. The collision of the helm against his opponents is enough to throw off the shot, preventing it from making a direct hit. Instead, it ricochets off an adjacent wall and punctures the armor of another guard. Angered, the chief turns his weapon toward Dex and begins to fire. Blasts clash and spark against Dex’s commando armor as he runs headlong toward his attacker. Some blasts penetrate sending a spray of blood from the exiting wounds. The pain is indescribable but Dex forges ahead, fueled by battle instinct bred into him in this very facility. Realizing that the commando is too close for another volley, the chief flips his weapon around and attempts to strike with the butt of the blaster rifle. The quick attack collides with the side of Dex’s head, sending a shockwave through his skull, cracking several teeth on his left side. A wad of saliva and blood exit the side of his face as his neck whips his head sideways. Though it was a strong strike he recovers quickly, closing into hand to hand with the chief. When the officer attempts to make a second melee attack with his weapon, Dex avoids it, grabs hold of his blaster with his left hand, and takes his right elbow across the faceplate of the chief’s helmet. The collision sends the officer reeling back a couple steps, loosening his hold on the weapon being tugged at by Dex. With the weapon still in his left hand, he notices that it has ammo still in it and with a flick of his arm, grabs the trigger of the blaster and fires. Bolts fly from the barrel and riddle the chief at point blank range. His body shot several times, the chief’s knees buckle and he falls down to the floor, taking one last breath as he descends.
Xol dispatching the last of the security guards stands amid a heap of armored bodies, tired and scorched by blaster fire. Dex, picks up the chiefs ARC helmet and begins limping toward his Yautja friend.
“I just can’t take you anywhere can I Xol?” Dex chuckles with a cough.
“It certainly does seem that way, old friend,” The Jedi responds, a smile hidden by his helmet. “Come now, there may be more and you are in dire need of medical attention.”
As the pair make their way to the elevator, its display reads that it is in motion and that the lift is coming toward them. With weapons at the ready, the duo stand to either side of the elevator’s doorway anticipating the worst.
With the sound of its arrival tone, the doors open. From inside a figure dressed in gold and black Mandalorian armor emerges. The soldier is shorter than Dex, ruling them out as another clone. On his shoulder painted in white, is a symbol of the Rebel Alliance.
“Jedi Master Xol, Commander Kamino, you must come with me at once if you want to escape here alive,” the figure states as he draws a sizable concussion rifle from his back. “But first things first.”
With a loud crackle, a single explosive shot collides with the suspended green tank, disintegrating it and its contents.
“Who are you stranger?” Xol says, a little shocked at the destruction of his duplicate.
“Someone that can tell you the truth about Project Rebirth and why you are important to its success Master Jedi. Now quickly, there isn’t much time."